The researchers, researched on the project titled the Role of Banks in Financing Agricultural Cooperative societies in Enugu State (A Case Study of Union Bank Plc Enugu Zonal Office). In pursuance of this research, the researchers divided the work into five chapters, chapter one, dealt with the introduction of the study, background of the study etc. Among the objectives includes. To determine what can be done to enhance agricultural cooperatives. To appraise the contribution of Union Bank Plc to the profitability of agricultural development. Chapter two, the researchers reviewed past related literatures on the topic. Chapter three, deals with the design of the study, source of data, sample size, sample procedure returned or completed question and method of data analysis. In chapter four, the data from the research survey were analysed and interpreted using tabular method and chi-square methods. Finally chapter five deals with the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations, (1) Government should create a more favourable condition to support all efforts of agricultural cooperative. (2) Banks should develop their farmers by allowing agricultural loans to cover all stages of agricultural production. (3) On the part of members of agricultural cooperative there should be adequate project planning and implementation of laid down proposal.
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the Study
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